Dinosoft's School House Deluxe Edition
Ages 6 to adult. School House Deluxe Edition packs
a complete educational program into a single package! The teacher-tested,
vibrant game formats make learning today's essential subjects exciting
and challenging for all ages. Students quickly enhance their academic
abilities and gain a competitive edge with lessons that last a lifetime!
Designed by educators who understand what motivates and educates
children. School House Deluxe Edition captivates students for hours,
covering a variety of subjects.
Subjects include:
Language - Ages 7 to Adult - punctuation, noun and verb identification,
sentence structure
Numbers - Ages 8 to Adult - double digit addition and subtraction,
multiplication and division, mental calculations
Science - Ages 6 to Adult - plant formation, human body structure,
understanding magnets, vertebrates recognition
Social studies - Ages 6 to Adult - state identification, meet the
U.S. Presidents, Presidents Time line, sign recognition And much
Plus may additional subject to make learning fun, along with worksheets,
progress reports and the Dinosoft Characters coloring books!
School House Deluxe Edition offers varying degrees of difficulty,
worksheets and progress reports.
Give your child an academic advantage. Start learning with School
House Deluxe Edition today.
Here's what parents and Teachers say about School House:
"I love it!"
"Great software, perfect for my kids."
"The best value I've found"
"Tons of education and fun!"
"My student's favorite."
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Minimum System Requirements:
Windows 3.1 or later
2MB Ram
CD-Rom Drive
Mouse, Hard drive
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